This is a call to action asking you to stand with Elizabeth Township and the waters of Pennsylvania on Friday June 14th. Elizabeth Township uniquely borders the banks of the mighty Monongahela River and the pristine waters of the Youghiogheny River 10 miles upstream of Pittsburgh. Those waters are now under imminent threat from natural gas infrastructure — and the lack of attention from neighboring activists, water protectors and organizers has left these environments open for slaughter.
However, all is not lost. Concerned citizens for over four years have been successfully operating under Protect Elizabeth Township to keep waterways and airways safe from industrial harm.
But late last year the political game changed allowing industry and government to take control of this town. Now all hands must be on deck, and all options on the table.
Although Pittsburgh is Elizabeth’s neighbor on the river, there’s little to no communication from city groups. If we don’t join with them in their fight and begin to build an alliance to defend nature we may lose a critical battle for Pennsylvania’s environment that will severely impact Pittsburgh.
Over the last few months concerned citizens of Elizabeth have made bold sacrifices to further protect our water and air by attempting a Home Rule government. With Home Rule the township of Elizabeth can become as strong as the city of Pittsburgh, making it possible to ban environmentally harmful activities. Unlike zoning and ordinance laws which can only choose where a harmful industry will operate in a town, Home Rule government can give the community the strength to stop dangerous industries and create a plan to keep their wildlife safe.
Join this community Friday June 14th, 7:00 p.m. at the Grand Theatre in downtown Elizabeth for a screening of my latest documentary INVISIBLE HAND (this event is also listed as a #FridaysForFuture strike). Local leaders will be present and joined by Grant Township officials featured in the film — all looking to find a way forward.
Share your voice, share your action in the streets as part of #FridaysForFuture, but come to help be part of a plan to protect the Youghiogheny and Monongahela rivers. The people in Elizabeth are ready to go above and beyond down a road filled with peril; but they’ll need your strength and your guidance to get through to the end. Be there for them, be there to speak for nature, and let’s join with Elizabeth to build an alliance that cannot be torn down!
* Facebook event
* Website link for Tickets, Poster
* Event Press Release
* Action Sign-Up Sheet
* Film Trailer
In Solidarity,
Joshua B. Pribanic